
A condition causing inflammation of the eyelids, commonly at the edges, and usually affecting both eyes.

Treating Blepharitis

There is no one-off cure for blepharitis, as the inflammation tends to recur if you do not keep up with treatment. However, with regular treatment, symptoms can usually be eased and then kept to a minimum.

However, with regular treatment, symptoms can usually be eased and then kept to a minimum. This helps to prevent flare-ups. The aim of treatment is to control or manage blepharitis, not to cure it. Treatment depends on the type of blepharitis. The key to treating most types of blepharitis is keeping the lids clean and free of crusts.

The main and important treatment is regular eyelid hygiene. Other treatments that may be needed include antibiotics, artificial tear drops and specific treatment for associated conditions. “Lid hygiene” should be continued even when the symptoms are not there to prevent the condition causing further problems. Applying warm compresses can loosen the crusts. Then gently scrub the eyelids with a mixture of water and baby shampoo or an over-the-counter lid-cleansing product. In cases involving bacterial infection, an antibiotic may be prescribed.

People with blepharitis might find the following helpful:

  • If the glands in the eyelids are blocked, massage the eyelids to clean out oil accumulated in the eyelid glands.
  • Use artificial tear solutions or lubricating ointments, if prescribed.
  • Use anti-dandruff shampoo on the scalp.
  • Limit or stop using eye makeup during treatment, as it makes lid hygiene more difficult.
  • Temporarily discontinue wearing contact lenses during treatment.

Some blepharitis cases may require more complex treatment plans. Blepharitis seldom disappears completely. Even with successful treatment, blepharitis may reoccur.

What are your symptoms?